I got to ask Rahm Emanuel a question, in person…

… Check out my post about my experience on my hyperlocal neighborhood blog here.

The whole experience made me question what kind of journalist I want to become. I started the Albany Park Post blog under citizen journalist sentiments, and if I were to get a degree in Journalism, it would only be if I decided to become a serious, hard-hitting journalist – something I never thought I would want to be.  I know whatever I am doing now, let’s call it a freelance writer thing,  I am not doing it properly. I am still paralyzed by various personal fears – for instance,  I’ve been sitting on a large story about a local art institution for months, and I haven’t finished it  because I don’t want to be sued (the female in my story is a little odd, and the suing type).

“If you’re not pissing someone off, you’re not doing it right”… I get that. But growing up, I wanted to be a lot of things… and a hard-hitting news journalist was never one of them.